Sabzevar Heshmatie Hospital

Educational tips for a child with pneumonia



Inflammation of the lung tissue occurs during infancy and early childhood

What Parents Should Know:

-Baby breastfeeding

Smoking at home should be avoided.

- Avoid putting children in very crowded environments and very hot and cold environments

-The child should have enough rest.

Keep the window in the room open, but keep the child away from the wind.

Keep the room air up to less coughing and breathing easier.

-Child baby, especially before eating or while sleeping.

- Provide the child half-sitting and change the situation every 2-3 hours.

- Reduced the degree of heat in the form of high fever by lowering clothes and correct spraying



Talk to your doctor immediately if you have severe breathlessness, wheezing, nausea, lethargy and drowsiness, severe fever.